Lessons in Male Confidence
Sep 22, 2007
Cultural learnings from glorious 23yo Russian women with a body of a model swimsuit for make benefit of lonely American men.
"In Russia, a man who cannot come up to a strange girl and start talking to her is a loser. He is nothing. It does not matter how much money he has, his education, or how clever, funny, or handsome he is.
Why don't your mothers and fathers sit down with their sons and teach them these things? It is so basic. I do not understand how this could happen.
Do men in your culture realize they lose a lot in their own lives not being confident when they are unable to come up to a woman?
What woman wants a man who is scared of women?
I got all this after hearing about three good looking, tall, athletic Australian and American guys that came up and started trying to talk to my new 5'11 Russian girl, as she lay beside the pool in her bikini reading. They came up, all visibly nervous, one asked if he could sit down on the lounger beside her, she asked "why?" and he nearly choked in fear. All hopped straight onto the clich?d question train; "Where are you from", "Oh I bet you like Vodka?", "What do you think of communism?" None, introduced themselves by name, shook her hand or asked much about her. They were all cautiously testing the water for acceptance and approval.
Beautiful Russian girl in swimsuit not like nervous men. "I wish to read my book now. You have a nice day."
She is educated, traveled and well-read. She is from a wealthy family, both parents have PDDs, her father sounds like the veritable Russian superman.
She presents as the typical Russian Ice Queen, complete with impeccable posture and shorts barely wider than my belt. They leave an inch or two Russia's finest ass for public viewing, atop legs that raise motor vehicle insurance premiums wherever she goes. She will rarely laugh or even smile around people she does not know. "Yes, I am considered bitch, even in Russia"
She has some strong opinions on men and women. She taught me more about "being a man" than everything in the dating industry combined:
All women want a CONFIDENT man. That is genuine strength and certainty from their inner core. This is the NUMBER 1 most important attribute in an attractive man. If you don't have confidence, all the other stuff put together doesn't really matter to a woman.
A man must make decisions and follow through, this wishy-washy indecisive thing is not attractive at all.
You must be in control, be in charge, if you can't take care of yourself, how can you look after you and me?
"I want to feel safe, that I can be weak and vulnerable with a man and he will protect me like my father did when I was a little girl. That is the man I want. This is the man I give my trust, my heart my body and soul."
If a girl says to you, "You remind me of my father," and she likes her father, this is about the strongest indicator of interest you can get. Check you've brushed your teeth, your room is clean and you've got condoms ready. You're in big-time buster!
Take the lead, always have a plan for the two of you. DON'T leave it up to her and for heavens sake do not ask her "so what would you like to do?" on an early date. Take charge but consider her, may be offer her some choices, for your day, for your holiday for your first date.
If you are talking to other girls in her presence, particularly attractive girls, take her hand or put your arm around her. You can now talk all you want, even flirt with and compliment the other girls, she now feels protected and safe. This will make her feel like a princess.
Take her hand when you are walking together, moving or changing direction.
Hold her hand or put your arm around her often when you are together in public.
Always walk on the street side, protecting her from the road and cars. I have got this advice from the very finest women I have dated. These sort of differences are how the most beautiful and desirable of women sift through the masses of handsome, successful, confident and desirable men who constantly pursue them.
It is guys who do these little 1% things that wake up in the morning to find that sweet, naked runway model curled around them with love and a suggestive twinkle in her magnificent eyes. I don't know of any sports car or boat that will compare, sorry.
Women hate men who have to ask. Women are massively attracted to a guy who just intuitively knows what she wants. Don't ask just do it, especially behind closed doors boys. (Note this takes experience and practice, but sweet, genuine women are generally very forgiving and eager to help you learn to be a "man" in their eyes)
Check with your girl, but if I wake and go to the bathroom at night, the correct thing to do when I return is to very gently put my arms around her or pull her over to my chest. It does not matter that much if I wake her, she will drift back to sleep quickly feeling cared for, loved and protected by a man. She will then see to it that my morning is most enjoyable!
After learning to carefully avoid her many prickles (demanding female tests mostly) and always acting like a man she became an angel. She turned into a sweet, soft, sensual and brilliant woman, one of the five most wonderful women I have dated in my life. (that's her in the white bikini) I have rarely laughed so much or so hard with anyone.
After battling to be "man" enough for new my Russian friend over a number of weeks, I am finding I am far more confident, masculine and attractive around the 3.5 billion less difficult and demanding women of the world.